My Diary is my catch-all category for posts that don't fit neatly into one of the other categories.

What’s up
Oh wow, it’s been nearly a year since I posted anything here! I think it’s mainly because this blog interface has become unwieldy, and needs a cleanup, which I am not prepared to do right now. That doesn’t mean I’ve been offline, though. I’m on several social media platforms, but the two where I am most active are Facebook and Post.
On my Post page, I focus mainly on the rights of nonspeaking autistic people (hashtag #ListenToNonspeakers), my art, my hat collection, South Africa’s international relations, and support for Ukraine’s defence against Russia.
On Facebook, you’ll find me contributing to several autism-related groups and pages (the main one being the Facebook page of the Autistic Strategies Network). I now also have a dedicated art page. Here you’ll find progress pictures as I build my portfolio for two books and an exhibition.
How much do psychologists know?
How much do psychologists understand about their patients’ real lives and coping mechanisms?
The untold story of Uriah’s heap.
The innocent revenge of Mary’s body
In 2011 one of my friends died after a long chronic illness, and an assault which exacerbated it all. She had sarcoidosis and some other illness which specialists could not figure out, and later also tuberculosis (picked up from a little street kid who slept on her...